Package-level declarations


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data class CameraConfiguration(val initialPosition: Float = DEFAULT_CAMERA_CONFIG_INITIAL_POSITION, val initialPositionX: Float = DEFAULT_CAMERA_CONFIG_INITIAL_POSITION_X, val initialPositionY: Float = DEFAULT_CAMERA_CONFIG_INITIAL_POSITION_Y, val initialPositionZ: Float = DEFAULT_CAMERA_CONFIG_INITIAL_POSITION_Z, val zoomSensitivity: Float = DEFAULT_CAMERA_CONFIG_ZOOM_SENSITIVITY, val zoomAnimationDuration: Long = DEFAULT_CAMERA_CONFIG_ANIMATION_DURATION, val scaleSensitivity: Float = DEFAULT_CAMERA_CONFIG_SCALE_SENSITIVITY, val rotationSensitivity: Float = DEFAULT_CAMERA_CONFIG_ROTATION_SENS, val moveSensitivity: Float = DEFAULT_CAMERA_CONFIG_MOVE_SENS, val is2D: Boolean = DEFAULT_CAMERA_CONFIG_IS_2D_VM, val far: Float = DEFAULT_CAMERA_CONFIG_FAR, val near: Float = DEFAULT_CAMERA_CONFIG_NEAR, val focusDistance: Float = DEFAULT_CAMERA_CONFIG_FOCUS_DISTANCE, val cameraMinX: Float = DEFAULT_CAMERA_CONFIG_MIN_X, val cameraMinY: Float = DEFAULT_CAMERA_CONFIG_MIN_Y, val cameraMaxX: Float = DEFAULT_CAMERA_CONFIG_MAX_X, val cameraMaxY: Float = DEFAULT_CAMERA_CONFIG_MAX_Y, val cameraMinZoom: Float = DEFAULT_CAMERA_CONFIG_MIN_ZOOM, val cameraMaxZoom: Float = DEFAULT_CAMERA_CONFIG_MAX_ZOOM, val isoInitialValueX: Float = DEFAULT_CAMERA_CONFIG_ISO_INITIAL_VALUE_X, val isoInitialValueY: Float = DEFAULT_CAMERA_CONFIG_ISO_INITIAL_VALUE_Y, val isoInitialValueZ: Float = DEFAULT_CAMERA_CONFIG_ISO_INITIAL_VALUE_Z, val cameraYaxisOffset: Float = DEFAULT_CAMERA_CONFIG_3D_Y_OFFSET)

This is the Camera class that holds the camera properties of the 3D scene in the Indoor Navigation Engine. all the properties are optional and have default values, so you can create a camera with the default values or you can pass the properties you want to change

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data class Float2(val x: Float = 0.0f, val y: Float = 0.0f)
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data class Floor(val id: Int = -1, val name: String = "", val number: Int = 0, val pois: List<Poi> = emptyList(), val walls: List<Wall> = emptyList())

Floor object representation that contains the information about the floor of the map object

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data class MapBuild(val id: Int = 0, val name: String = "", val floors: List<Floor> = emptyList())

This class represents the map build object that is used to build the map in the 3D scene

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data class Poi(val id: Int = -1, val name: String = "", val category: String? = "", val center: Float2 = Float2(), val description: String? = "", val phoneNumber: String? = "", val opensAt: String = "", val closesAt: String = "", val icon: String? = "", val points: List<Float2> = emptyList(), val color: String? = "", val type: String? = "", val facebookUrl: String? = "", val instagramUrl: String? = "", val twitterUrl: String? = "", val floorId: Int = -1)

Points of interests (POIs) object representation that contains the information about the POIs in the floor

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data class Wall(val id: Int = 0, val size: Float3 = Float3(), val position: Float3 = Float3())

Wall object representation that contains the information about the walls in the floor


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fun drawGround(engine: Engine, position: Float3 = DEFAULT_PLANE_POSITION, size: Float3 = DEFAULT_PLANE_SIZE, orientation: Quaternion = DEFAULT_PLANE_ORIENTATION, rotationPos: Float3 = DEFAULT_PLANE_ROTATION, materialLoader: MaterialLoader?, groundColor: Color = DEFAULT_GROUND_COLOR_LIGHT): Node

Draw the ground in the scene using the SceneView library and the Filament engine that returns a CubeNode representing the ground

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fun drawMarker(materialLoader: MaterialLoader, position: Float3 = DEFAULT_MARKER_POSITION): Node

This function is used to draw a marker in the scene using the SceneView library and the Filament engine

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fun drawPoi(engine: Engine, materialLoader: MaterialLoader?, polygonPath: List<Position2>, themeColors: MapThemeColors, parentPositionZ: Float = 0.1f, poi: Poi, selectedPoi: Int = -2): ShapeNode

Draw the poi in the 3D scene. It takes the engine, the color of the space, the material loader, the polygon path, and the parent position Z as parameters. It returns a ShapeNode object that represents the space in the 3D scene.

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fun drawWall(engine: Engine, position: Float3 = DEFAULT_NODE_POSITION, size: Float3 = DEFAULT_WALL_SIZE, rotation: Float3 = DEFAULT_WALL_ROTATION, materialLoader: MaterialLoader? = null, wallColor: Color = DEFAULT_WALL_COLOR_LIGHT): CubeNode

Draw a wall in the scene using the SceneView library and the Filament engine