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Enum class that contains the properties of the node that can be animated. It is responsible for containing the properties of the node that can be animated.

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object MapLoader

This object contains utility functions for loading the map content from the assets folder of the application. It contains a single function that is responsible for loading the map content from a JSON file. The function takes the context of the application and the name of the JSON file as parameters and returns the JSON file as a string. If the file is not found, the function returns null.

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class PoiValidator(poi: Poi?)


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fun callPhoneNumber(phoneNumber: String?, context: Context)

Calls a phone number

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fun findFloorById(floorId: Int?, floors: List<Floor>): Floor?

Finds a floor by its id

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fun makeToast(context: Context, message: String, duration: Int = Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)
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fun Node.onAnimateNode(animationProperty: AnimationProperty = AnimationProperty.POSITION, initialValue: Float3 = DEFAULT_CAMERA_CONFIG_FLOAT3_ZERO, finalValue: Float3 = DEFAULT_CAMERA_CONFIG_FLOAT3_ZERO, animationDuration: Long = DEFAULT_CAMERA_CONFIG_ANIMATION_DURATION)

Animate a node in the 3D scene with the given properties and values

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fun openUrl(url: String?, context: Context)

Opens a url in the browser